UK Socio-Political Astrology Predictions

The UK Astrology chart for 21st Dec 2020 indicates the potential Political & Economic outlook up to the 21st March 2021. What does the chart show?

The UK Astrology chart for 21st Dec 2020 indicates the potential Political & Economic outlook up to the 21st March 2021.

What does the chart show?

The Sun represents the Head of State/The Monarchy (The Queen/Royal Family/Boris Johnson). It is right next to Mercury (communication/decisions/ideas/negotiations).

Both the Sun and Mercury are in the 12th house (hospitals/prisons/all institutions/hidden enemies/large domesticated animals). 

So here are some possible scenarios they may occur between now and 21st March 2021:

1) Boris or a Member of the Royal Family may suffer from ill health & require a stay in hospital

2) Boris or the Queen may make announcements relating to Hospitals/Prisons/Academic Institutions

3) There may be secretive, clandestine talks/negotiations taking place with regards to either Boris or the Queen which may lead to either of them having less visibility or status in the future.

4) There may be an announcement about Prince Andrew and a very prominent international legal case that may require him to give evidence.

5) There are hidden negotiations/decisions related to Livestock/Farm Animals currently underway.

All will be revealed between now and 21st March!

Anita is a member of the Association of Professional Astrologers International and was featured in a Dec 2020 article on Astrology for Cosmopolitan Magazine…Read Article

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